Support Us

You can help us by:-


Volunteers are welcomed and much needed in providing valuable aid in the training programmes, e.g teaching reading, writing, counting skills, guiding them in skills such as cooking, sewing, weaving, handcraft, music, drawing and painting activities.

Contract Works

We seek help to scout for work that can be outsourced to us such as Packaging, Assembling, Sorting, Folding, Mail inserts, Re-packing which will be suitable for our trainees at the Sheltered Workshop.

Financial Help

Dayspring Society is a non-profit organization and its funding relies significantly on the goodwill of individuals and corporate concerns to maintain our services and programs for persons with learning difficulties.  We deeply appreciate every form of financial aid.

Kindly issue all cheques / bank draft donations payable to  “POBP Dayspring Selangor”  and send it to :-

Address No 4 Solok Limau, Taman Meru, 41050 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, West Malaysia.
Telephone +603-3342 7467
Fax +603-3344 9184


Deposit directly into our bank account. Details as follows:-

Name of Account Holder POBP Dayspring Selangor
Name of Bank Hong Leong Bank Berhad, Klang
Account No. 28200021496

Please fax/send us the bank in slip with your details so that we will be able to acknowledge your donation with an official receipt.